10 Best Classic Short Stories To Read Now – Favbookshelf

classic short stories

I know you are here to revisit the classic short stories! Short stories are like a glimpse into one’s life that we come across every day. So many authors catch these glimpses and create a beautiful story out of them. So here we take you on a nostalgic ride to remember a few classic tales that are short and crispy.

Let’s Start! Here is the list of best classic short stories.

classic short stories
Best Classic Short Stories

#1 Kabuliwala by Rabindranath Tagore

About the Book

Kabuliwala & other stories
by Rabindranath Tagore; classic short stories
Kabuliwala & other stories
by Rabindranath Tagor

Title: Kabuliwala

Author: Rabindranath Tagore

Genre: Fiction/short stories

Publisher: Maple Press

Type: Standalone

Pages: 108

Goodreads rating: 4.1/5

Where to find this story? : Kabuliwala and other stories

This is a tale of a Kabuliwala, Rahmat from Kabul, an Afghan merchant who travels to India for his livelihood to sell dry fruits. There he meets a little Mini from a Bengali background. A strong bond of friendship starts building between them, and Mini also reminds him of his daughter in Afghanistan. However, after many years when he returns to meet Mini, the emotions are reflected, and the distant feeling of the grown-up Mini is depicted. Finally, the entire story is narrated from the point of view of the Mini’s Father, a character in the story who is an author.

Why do we recommend this book?

The best thing about this book is how the innocence of a child is portrayed. However, the emotional growth of human connections is weaved elegantly. The character building of Mini is flawless; from the innocent child to growing up with her own opinions and viewpoints are very well crafted. Moreover, the author has his own captivating way of storytelling. Finally, it is a fantastic specimen of classic short stories.

To buy/gift Kabuliwala & other stories by Rabindranath Tagore, click on the below link:

#2 The Fly by Katherine Mansfield

About the Book

The Dove's Nest and other stories
by Katherine Mansfield
The Dove’s Nest and other stories
by Katherine Mansfield

Title: The Fly

Author: Katherine Mansfield

Genre: Fiction/short stories

Publisher: Kessinger Publishing

Type: Standalone

Pages: 159

Goodreads rating: 3.8/5

Where to find this story? : The Dove’s Nest and other stories

In 1922, Katherine wrote a masterpiece woven around three characters; a little conversation makes readers aware that the character ‘Boss’ child is dead and shows the grief and mourning of the man who lost his child. Though the story is written 100 years back! Everyone can still relate to this; time changes, but the emotions are the same.

Why do we recommend this book?

If you read the book, I would suggest thinking of some cliches like Men are strong,’ and ‘Men don’t cry, we have all come through this stigma, and this story shows how exactly false masculinity affects men more than women and how they are not allowed even to grieve openly and how it is pricked inside until its repressed deep down somewhere. The storytelling capability is very captivating, but the image-building ability of the author steals the show. Finally, it is a fine specimen of classic short stories.

To buy/gift The Dove’s Nest and other stories by Katherine Mansfield, click on the below link:

#3 The Gift of the Magi by O’Henry

About the Book

The Gift of Magi and other short stories by O'Henry; classic short stories
The Gift of the Magi & other stories by O’Henry

Title: The Gift of the Magi

Author: O’Henry

Genre: Fiction/short stories/young adult

Publisher: Dover Publishing

Type: Standalone

Pages: 159

Goodreads rating: 4.1/5

Where to find this story? : The Gift of the Magi and other stories

The story is about a young couple, Della Dillingham Young and James, who, despite their poverty, resolves to give each other an elegant gift on Christmas Eve individually. However, both of them end up selling their precious things so they can afford a gift for each other, and after the situation is revealed, irony seeps in.

Why do we recommend this book?

Why this book? I came across this story in Grade IV during my English class; it shows how selfless love is. Moreover, through this short story, I experienced the sacrifice, and this classic tale is in my memory teaching an important lesson about life. However, if you haven’t read it, go for it to know what the couples do to gift each other and how they discover selflessness towards each other through a simple action! On the other hand, it’s worth experiencing the story again if you have read it!

To buy/gift The Gift of the Magi & other stories by O’Henry, click on the below link:

#4 Hare and Tortoise, Ant and Grasshopper, etc. by Aesop

About the Book

Aesop's Fables by Aesop
Aesop’s Fables by Aesop

Title: Aesop’s Fables

Author: Aesop

Genre: Fiction/short stories/children

Publisher: Oxford university

Type: Standalone

Pages: 352

Goodreads rating: 4.0/5

Where to find this story? : Aesop’s Fables

A Greek storyteller around 620 BCE, Aesop is still alive through his stories. We grew up listening to Aesops Fables, the stories like Ants and Grasshopper who teach us the lesson of hard work and saving for the future, or that classic story of hare and tortoise! The plight of overconfidence is shown through the pov of the rabbit. Lastly, these stories teach us moral values from animals’ points of view.

Why do we recommend this book?

It’s time to feel nostalgic; many of us grew up listening to these stories and the local folktales by our parents and grandparents! I feel a rekindling of memories whenever I encounter the fables. Furthermore, the animals speak, and the author has woven the life lessons and narrated a story to convey those messages through animals. However, this unique feature of the fable makes it classic and elegant, where we connect human traits to animals and learn from them. Whether it’s imagination or fantasy, we know something new lesson is in the end. Once again, we can relate to this universal story told decades ago, the lessons are universal, and it is one of the fine specimens of classic short stories.

To buy/gift Aesop’s Fables by Aesop, click on the below link:

#5 The Wise Monkey by Vishnu Sharma

About the Book

Panchatantra by Vishnu Sharma; classic short stories
Panchatantra by Vishnu Sharma

Title: The Wise Monkey

Author: Vishnu Sharma

Publisher: Rupa and co

Genre: Fiction/short stories/children

Type: Standalone

Pages: 258

Goodreads rating: 4.2/5

Where to find this story? : Panchatantra

One of the tales from the legendary book from the Indian collection, Panchatantra. It is about the friendship between a monkey and a crocodile. However, this short tale has a touch of betrayal, foolishness, and wiseness all in one. The friendship between the monkey and a crocodile is shown, and when the monkey realizes the betrayal of the crocodile in the middle of the sea, the way it responds teaches a great lesson.

Why do we recommend this book?

Same as other folk tales, we have grown up listening to classic stories from Panchatantra; the thing I like in Panchatantra is the way of telling the stories. The book does not limit to the collection of stories. There is a story behind telling these stories, Pancha means strategy, and tantra means weaving; the entire book is a strategy to live life and rule the kingdom in the present scenario. The stories with their moral values are unique and weaved effortlessly.

To buy/gift Panchatantra by Vishnu Sharma, click on the below link:

#6 Vikram and Betal by Mahakavi Somadev Bhat

About the book

Vikram and Betal by Mahakavi Somadev Bhat
Vikram and Betal by Mahakavi Somadev Bhat

Title: Vikram and Betal

Author: Mahakavi Somadev Bhat

Publisher: Rupa and co

Genre: Fiction/short stories/children

Type: Standalone

Pages: 75

Goodreads rating: 4.3/5

Where to find this story? : Vikram and Betal

Want an extraordinary experience of reading some twisted puzzle-filled short stories? Then go for Vikram and Betal stories. Vikram is a king, and some events lead him to a task to bring a Betal hanging in the tree in a wild night, a deep forest. However, Betal lets Vikram carry him to the destination with a few conditions, i.e., he will tell a story, and Vikram has to listen to it and solve the riddle in the end. But if he fails to solve the riddles, the cost comes, i.e., Betal will go back to its tree. Finally, this tale contains various stories; now imagine how many times might have been Vikram has traveled to carry Betal again?

Why do we recommend this book?

Moreover, the story within the story is fun to read! The unique thing I liked about this book is that one entire set of stories has several stories inside it. For example, the Betal, a dead version of the human form, narrates excellent insights into human nature to a living person Vikram. Moreover, you come across many situations where Betal’s riddles put you into the puzzle to decide what is right and what is wrong! If you want to experience a philosophical approach while making the decisions, this book is meant for you. Lastly, it is one of the finest specimens of classic short stories.

P.s: Again, there are many publications on this classic tale and many fascinating tales which we cannot pick which tale to choose as a title, so the whole book itself made itself as a title!

To buy/gift Vikram and Betal by Mahakavi Somadev Bhat, click on the below link:

#7 The Signalman by Charles Dickens

About the book

The Signalman by Charles Dickens; classic short stories
The Signalman by Charles Dickens

Title: The Signalman

Author: Charles Dickens

Publisher: Wonder Publication

Genre: Fiction/short stories/horror

Type: Standalone

Pages: 56

Goodreads rating: 3.86/5

Where to find this story? : The Signalman

There is a narrator, a signalman, and a ghost! However, only the signalman can see the spirit. The story follows the signalman explaining to the narrator about the happenings and how the ghost’s appearance causes an accident. Does the narrator believe this story, or is the appearance of a spirit true? If yes, then why and how it is related to tragic accidents?

Why do we recommend this book?

Its spooky storytelling method builds suspense and captivates the image-building power of a reader’s mind. Moreover, it captures the feelings of a reader and brings goosebumps. However, with its exciting storyline, it is a well-crafted one to keep the readers on their toes till the very end. This book is worth reading for all who love horror and spooky tales.

P.S.: This is not a collection of short stories; it is a standalone short story.

To buy/gift The Signalman by Charles Dickens, click on the below link:

#8 The Day I Stopped Drinking Milk by Sudha Murthy

About the Book

The Day I Stopped Drinking Milk 
by Sudha Murthy
The Day I Stopped Drinking Milk
by Sudha Murthy

Title: The Day I stopped Drinking Milk

Author: Sudha Murthy

Publisher: Wonder Publication

Genre: Non-fiction/short stories

Type: Standalone

Pages: 212

Goodreads rating: 3.95/5

Where to find this story? : The Day I stopped DrinkingMilkk

Sudha Murthy, Chairperson of Infosys and an author of simplicity, shares her experiences through short stories in this book. The story is about when Sudha Murthy visits a place and encounters a heart-touching incident that makes her sacrifice drinking Milk. Lastly, to experience real-life experiences, one has to read this book.

Why do we recommend this book?

Simple words can touch the heart; this is why I like the books of Sudha Murthy; they are simple, honest, and straightforward. Moreover, I feel the reflection of simplicity in her books most of the time. These books are easy to follow, and the flow is smooth to understand. I can flip over any page and read one of the stories I want to. Finally, the author’s storytelling ability is very authentic.

To buy/gift The Day I Stopped Drinking Milk by Sudha Murthy, click on the below link:

#9 Readings In The Shed by Nikhil Katara and Himali Kothari

About the Book

Readings in the shed by Nikhil Katara 
& Himali Kothari; classic short stories
Readings in the shed by Nikhil Katara
& Himali Kothari

Title: Readings In The Shed

Author : Nikhil Katara and Himali Kothari

Publisher: Partridge

Genre: Fiction/short stories

Type: Standalone

Pages: 109

Goodreads rating: 4.0/5

Where to find this story? : Readings in the shed

This is an anthology varying in themes, settings, and concepts. Set in the wild, Nikhil Katara’s Pride narrates the story of an aging lion. While the implication of choices, especially in difficult times, is explored in his O2. Coming of Age by Himali Kothari is the story of Pushpa, who has lived her life in the hope that her birth may have been of value. Finally, The Birthday Stories is a story of friendship and acceptance.

Why do we recommend this book?

With its bites of deep philosophical thoughts, especially in the story of Shaka and the monologue in O2, this book provokes our thought process, captivating our attention. However, the questions we ask through the book feel personal, and we try to seek answers. Moreover, it has a strong storytelling ability with different stories from different perspectives. Finally, it is a must-read if you love something philosophical.

To buy/gift Readings in the shed by Nikhil Katara& Himali Kothari, click on the below link:

#10 Rendezvous, If I remembered etc. by Smitha Das Jain

About the Book

A Slice Of Life: Every Person Has A Story 
by Smitha Das Jain
A Slice Of Life: Every Person Has A Story
by Smitha Das Jain

Title: Rendezvous, If I remembered etc

Author: Smitha Das Jain

Publisher: Notion press Media

Genre: Fiction/short stories

Type: Smitha Das Jain

Pages: 100

Goodreads rating: 4.4/5

Where to find this story? : A Slice Of Life: Every Person Has A Story

Slice of life book is a collection of stories where the author makes you taste all flavors of the life. Moreover, her stories keep you immersed, and the endings are always unexpected; it is like showing an incident in a different light. For example, it has stories about couples trying to maintain their little private moment to spend time together amidst family responsibilities. The tale ‘Rendezvous’ and a glimpse of I.T.’s life during pandemic time stitched beautifully. Some are humorous stories; for example, in ‘If I remembered,’ like a forgetful wife poking her husband to find her mobile kept inside her pocket. Finally, it may seem silly, but this book proves that we can handpick such moments and weave those bits into the story.

Why do we recommend this book?

Some stories touched me. They addressed severe issues like cancer, death, etc. But, I, mainly liked the storytelling style; specifically, there were no cliches and it felt refreshing. Finally, I would recommend this book if you want a light-hearted reading in your hustle and bustle life; I’m sure after reading this, you would start to see the stories around you every time breathing alive.

P.S.: This is a modern-day short story, standing out as a classic due to its way of storytelling.

To buy/gift A Slice Of Life: Every Person Has A Story by Smitha Das Jain, click on the below link:

P.S.: Some books recommended here are available on Kindle Unlimited. If you have subscribed to it, you can read these books. Also, check out this article: Is Kindle Unlimited Worth It?

That’s it. SO to conclude, here is the list of the best short classic stories:

1Kabuliwala by Rabindranath TagoreBuy now
2The Dove’s Nest and other stories by Katherine MansfieldBuy now
3The Gift of Magi and other short stories by O’HenryBuy now
4Aesop’s Fables by AesopBuy now
5Panchatantra by Vishnu SharmaBuy now
6Vikram and Betal by Mahakavi Somadev BhatBuy now
7The Signalman by Charles DickensBuy now
8The Day I Stopped Drinking Milk by Sudha MurthyBuy now
9Readings in the shed by Nikhil Katara and Himali KothariBuy now
10A Slice Of Life by Smitha Das JainBuy now
Best 10 Classic short stories

Do read all the books on this list of best classic short stories. You are going to enjoy reading them.

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