Here are the 12 best magical books that are perfect in every way. They are all about magic, secrets, curses, and everything in between, dealt with in the best way imaginable. And their perfection is not at all an exaggeration. Or maybe it is. Guess you would only know once you read all these books, huh?
P.S. All the books are arranged in alphabetical order. Because duh, they are all awesome.

So, let’s start. Here are the 12 best magical books:
#1 Curse Workers Series by Holly Black
About the Book

Title: Curse Workers
Author: Holly Black
Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy, Paranormal, Romance,
Publisher: Margaret K. McElderry Books
Type: Series
No. of Books: 3
Books in it: #1 White Cat, #2 Red Glove, #3 Black Heart
Goodreads Rating: 4/5
It’s been a few years since magic was outlawed in America, and all the magical families have turned to the underworld, becoming overnight criminals. Cassel isn’t like his other criminal family members, and he hates it. He is constantly plagued by the memories of the girl he killed, and it doesn’t help that his brothers hate and ostracize him daily as the only family member who isn’t a magic worker. But memories are just memories. And sometimes, the mind can lie. Cassel is about to find out the secret his family has been hiding from him. What is that secret? Are his memories a lie?
Why do we recommend this book?
Because of Cassel! Obviously! He is so real and vulnerable and badass that it’s so endearing to see a male character being all that while being written by a female writer (let’s be honest, it doesn’t happen often). And his character development throughout the series is a treat to read. Along with the super intriguing magical world that Black created.
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#2 Shades of Magic Series by V.E. Shwab
About the Book

Title: Shades of Magic
Author: V.E. Shwab
Genre: Fantasy, Historical Fiction, Young Adult, Adventure
Publisher: Tor Books
Type: Series
No. of Books: 3
Books in it: #1 A Darker Shade of Magic, #2 A Gathering of Shadows,, #3 A Conjuring of Light
Goodreads rating: 4.3/5
Kell has a unique magic skill. It allows him to travel through parallel Londons- Red, Grey, White, and Black (that no longer exists). Officially an ambassador and unofficially a smuggler, Kell uses his magic to the most, unaware that using his powers has consequences. And when things go wrong with his business, he runs off to ‘Grey London’ where he meets Lila, a thief. Together they embark on an adventure that’s about to change not just their future but also that of their world.
P.S.: This book is available on Kindle Unlimited. If you have subscribed to it, then you can read this book for free.
Why do we recommend this book?
The concept of parallel worlds is so full of potential but rarely do they deliver. But Shades of Magic did that and that too pretty well. Kell was an interesting character with many layers, and Shwab’s writing made the book feel like a poem. It’s perfect. A must-read for all you magic maniacs!
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#3 Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson
About the Book

Title: Sorcery of Thorns
Author: Margaret Rogerson
Genre: Young Adult, Paranormal, Fantasy, Romance
Publisher: Margaret K. McElderry Books
Type: Standalone
Pages: 456
Goodreads Rating: 4/5
Elisabeth – an orphan, raised in one of Austermeerβs Great Libraries where she learns to protect the Books, the ones that guard her world against the sorcerers, and the creatures that stalk the night. When an incident at the library leaves her a prime suspect, she has to ask for help from the sorcerer whom she can’t trust. As she slowly begins to unravel the mysteries and conspiracies of her kingdom that are centuries old, Elizabeth is not so sure about anything anymore. Not even herself. But one thing is for sure – knowledge is more powerful than any sword or magic, and she is going to prove it.
Why do we recommend this book?
The writing and the plot twists are awesome! And Elizabeth and Nathaniel’s enemies-to-lovers slow burn romance was everything and more. Did we mention the commendable world-building?
If you want to buy/gift, Sorcery of Thorns by Margret Rogerson, click on the link below: π
#4 The Age of Darkness Series by Katy Rose Pool
About the Book

Title: The Age of Darkness
Author: Katy Rose Pool
Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy, Romance, LGBT
Publisher: Henry Holt Books for Young Readers
Type: Series
No. of Books: 3
Books in it: #1 There Will Come a Darkness,#2 As the Shadow Rises,#3 Into the Dying Light
Goodreads Rating: 4/5
Prophets who used to guide humanity disappeared one day, leaving behind one last prophecy – the age of darkness will come, and a new prophet will either take the people towards salvation or destroy the world as they know it. As five wandering souls find themselves the keys to the prophecy, they realize that the ultimate power to decide the world’s future depends on them. Either one of them could save or destroy everything, but will they be able to bring the prophecy to its end when they are so broken?
Why do we recommend this book?
Let’s be honest bands of misfits allying to protect the world (without actually meaning to) trope never really gets old. The Age of Darkness is a brilliantly written fantasy series with complex characters and even more complex characters dynamics. Each book gets better than the last, and the pace stays consistent till the last page.
If you want to buy/gift, The Age Of Darkness Series by Katy Rose Pool, click on the link below: π
#5 The Darkest Part Of the Forest by Holly Black
About the Book

Title: The Darkest Part Of the Forest
Author: Holly Black
Genre: Fantasy, Paranormal, LGBT, Romance
Publisher: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
Type: Standalone
Pages: 336
Goodreads rating: 3.9/5
Hazel and Ben are two siblings who live in Fairfold. Their town borders the kingdom of faes and elves and other mystical creatures. Hazel is an ordinary girl by day, and a cunning knight at night, while Ben has a gift of music that he could live without. They both have been enamored by the beautiful elf prince who has been asleep in his glass coffin for years, wondering about him and fantasizing about him. Until one fine day, the coffin disappears. And their world is turned upside down.
Why do we recommend this book?
Oooooh, the queer representation in this book is just so beautiful. The romance is endearing, the story was so intricately written, and the characters are just so lovable (Hazel and Ben are a hoot!). Black knows how to pull readers in with her words.
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#6 The Folk of the Air Series by Holly Black
About the Book

Title: The Folk of the Air
Author: Holly Black
Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult, Romance
Publisher: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
Type: Series
No. of Books: 3
Books in it: #1 The Cruel Prince, #2 The Wicked King, #3 The Queen of Nothing
Goodreads rating: 4.2/5
At the age of seven, Jude and her sisters were removed from their ordinary life and put into the majestic, beautiful, cruel world of faeries. Now ten years later, Jude wants to find a proper place for herself in this world. Even though most of them hate humans, she wants nothing more than to belong. She also wants to kill Prince Cardan, but that’s not the point. As she gets entangled in court politics, Jude realizes that finally, she might get what she has longed for years. But with the kingdom drowned in conspiracies, she wonders if she really should save it or let it and herself be devoured by hell.
Why do we recommend this book?
Ok, romance plays a dominating factor throughout the series. And as to why you should read it is because even though romance story is the best ever, even the politics is just soooooooooo good. And Jude’s brain is something else. The way she could be kind and vulnerable and, at the same time, manipulative and cruel is way too awesome. Oh, and this is the last mention of Holly Black in this list. (Isn’t it obvious yet that she is one of the best fantasy writers?)
P.S.: The ‘ the wicked king’ book is available on Kindle Unlimited. If you have subscribed to it, then you can read this book for free.
If you want to buy/gift, The Folk of the Air Series Book 1, click on the link below: π
#7 The Founders Triology by Robert Jackson Bennett
About the Book

Title: The Founders Trilogy
Author: Robert Jackson Bennett
Genre: Fantasy, Fiction, Adult, LGBT
Publisher: Del Rey Books
Type: Series
No. of Books: 3
Books in it: #1 Foundryside, #2 Shorefall, #3 Locklands
Goodreads rating: 4.2/5
Sancia is a thief, and she has just been offered a ridiculous amount of money in return for an artifact. Everything about the mission is a big red flag. But survival in Foundryside always comes at a price. Sancia couldn’t have known how big a price she will have to pay for this one, though. Now people are after her, and she would need all the help she could to get out of this one alive. But as she slowly understands the power the artifact holds, she starts to realize that her country could soon be facing a magical revolution. And she needs to decide whether she would stand with the revolution or herself.
Why do we recommend this book?
The diversities of the characters!! Sancia is pretty badass, and her dynamics with all her team members are so deep and layered. The high fantasy genre comes into play, and honestly combining magic with sci-fi is often a hit-or-miss with even a little bit of carelessness. Thankfully that’s not the case with this series because the world-building is perfect.
If you want to buy/gift, The Founders Trilogy Book 1, click on the link below: π
#8 The Raven Cycle Series by Maggie Stiefvater
About the Book

Title: The Raven Cycle
Author: Maggie Stiefvater
Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult, Paranormal, Romance
Publisher: Scholastic Press
Type: Series
No. of Books: 4
Books in it: #1 The Raven Boys, #2 The Dream Thieves, #3 Blue Lily, Lily Blue, #4 The Raven King
Goodreads rating: 4.2/5
Blue Sargent comes from a family of women with psychic powers. She doesn’t have it, but she is satisfied with being an amplifier. Blue stays by her mother every year in the Churchyard as they wait for the dead to pass by, but Blue herself never sees them. Until this year, when she does. She knows the raven boys – ridiculously good-looking and rich students of a private school who are nothing but trouble. But as she gets involved with the strange boy she saw and his friends, she has to wonder just how much she knew her town and herself.
Why do we recommend this book?
Do read it for the charming, damaged boys and badass, smart girls. Romance is cute, but it’s not the main focus of the story. And the writing is so lyrical that you can’t even notice the flaws (there aren’t many). Again, each book of the series gets better the more you read it, and it’s a perfect series to come back to over and over again.
If you want to buy/gift, The Raven Cycle Series Book 1, click on the link below: π
#9 The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern
About the Book

Title: The Starless Sea
Author: Erin Morgenstern
Genre: Fantasy, Adult, LGBT
Publisher: Doubleday Books
Type: Standalone
Pages: 498
Goodreads rating: 3.8/5
Zachary comes upon a mysterious book that has his childhood recorded. As he follows the traces of the origin of the book, he discovers a magical underground world. A world of guardians, lovers, pirates, liars, and all things that make a story. He comes across stories he only imagined, only ever read, only ever heard. He lives them, and as he travels through this beautiful library and meets people along the way, he starts to understand the meaning of his existence and what the story meant that he had read.
Why do we recommend this book?
Magic. Pure magic. That’s what this book is. It’s too beautiful to express in words and needs to be read to understand the depth of the storytelling. It’s about a magical world, but it’s also so much more than that. It is about finding yourself a place to belong, and the ability to love yourself. The Starless Sea is a magical experience that you won’t forget for a long time.
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#10 Three Dark Crowns Series by Kendare Blake
About the Book

Title: Three Dark Crowns
Author: Kendare Blake
Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult, Adventure, Romance
Publisher: Quill Tree Books
Type: Series
No. of Books: 4
Books in it: #1 Three Dark Crowns,#2 One Dark Throne, #3 Two Dark Reigns, #4 Five Dark Fates
Goodreads rating: 3.9/5
In each generation, the royal family produces triplets – three girls, three queens equal heir to the throne. All three have their unique magic – one can wield lightning, one plays with poison, and another is loved by nature. But having equal rights to the throne means battle, and it’s one to the death. Every generation, only one queen has been able to live till the end. As the three queens reach the age of sixteen, they all prepare for the inevitable separately. But maybe history is finally going to change this time.
Why do we recommend this book?
Three badass queens, each strong in their way and each willing to do anything to survive. This series is one of those that gives and gives and only asks for the sanity of the readers. The politics is fantastic, the characters are wonderfully complex, the romance isn’t in-your-face (it’s very subtle and sweet, at least one of it is) and the character growth of many of the characters (in both the positive way and negative way) is perfect. I recommend you to give this book a chance.
If you want to buy/gift, Three Dark Crown Series Book 1, click on the link below: π
#11 Vassa In The Night by Sarah Porter
About the Book

Title: Vassa In The Night
Author: Sarah Potter
Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult, Retelling
Publisher: Tor Teen
Type: Standalone
Pages: 296
Goodreads rating: 3.5/5
P.S.: This book is available on Kindle Unlimited. If you have subscribed to it, then you can read this book for free.
Nights have been becoming lengthier in the enchanted Brooklyn. Vassa lives in a working-class neighborhood with her stepmother, her stepsisters, and a secret that her mother left her. Her neighborhood has a convenience store that floats above the ground and beheads any shoplifters. Sometimes even the innocents if the owner feels like it. So when Vassa is asked to go to the convenience store at night, she knows there’s a high chance she won’t come back. The owner is willing to let her off if she completes her tasks given by him – ones that are beyond impossible. But she has her secret with her, and if she manages to escape the store, maybe she’d be able to lift the curse on her neighborhood.
Why do we recommend this book?
Because it’s so weird, it’s genius. The retelling of Vassilissa the beautiful, a Russian Fairy Tale, Vassa in the Night is dark, gory, weird, and beautiful. I’d say you need to read it once to understand just how clever the world and the characters of this world are!
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#12 Winterwood by Shea Ernshaw
About the Book

Title: Winterwood
Author: Shea Ernshaw
Genre: Fantasy, Paranormal, Romance
Publisher: Simon Schuster Books for Young Readers
Type: Standalone
Pages: 323
Goodreads rating: 3.8/5
Beware of the dark woods, and always fear what lies within them. Woods of Fir Haven is said to be magical and haunted. And Nora Walker knows why. But as her connection to the woods brings her to the boy who should have been dead, Nora is forced to reanalyze everything she knew about them. And as the boy’s presence shifts something in it, she realizes that he has got secrets that could change her and the woods forever.
Why do we recommend this book?
Because of the beautiful atmospheric writing! It’s so smooth, soft, quiet, and carries the mysterious, magical vibe till the very end of the page even when the plot gets too predictable. It’s a pleasant light read for the winters.
If you want to buy/gift, Winterwood by Shea Earnshaw, click on the link below: π
P.S: Some books recommended here are available on Kindle Unlimited. If you have subscribed to it, then you can read these books for free. Check out this article: Is Kindle Unlimited Worth It?
That’s all for the recommendations for now. Now if the spell of gorgeous book covers has broken, how about diving right into this magical world?
SO, to conclude here is the list of the Best Magical Books that are perfect In every way.
1. | Curse Workers Series by Holly Black | Buy this Book |
2. | Shades of Magic Series by V.E. Shwab | Buy this Book |
3. | Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson | Buy this Book |
4. | The Age of Darkness Series by Katy Rose Pool | Buy this Book |
5. | The Darkest Part Of the Forest by Holly Black | Buy this Book |
6. | The Folk of the Air Series by Holly Black | Buy the box-set |
7. | The Founders Triology by Robert Jackson Bennett | Buy this Book |
8. | The Raven Cycle Series by Maggie Stiefvater | Buy the box-set |
9. | The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern | Buy this Book |
10. | Three Dark Crowns Series by Kendare Blake | Buy the box-set |
11. | Vassa In The Night by Sarah Porter | Buy this Book |
12. | Winterwood by Shea Ernshaw | Buy this Book |
Read all the books on this list of best magical books. You will enjoy reading them.
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