Ever struggled with reading speed? Want to increase your reading speed? Wondering how to read faster?
Then this article is surely for you.
Using this technique, I, myself, have increased my reading speed. And not just speed but retention as well, i.e., I have been able to grasp more information efficiently since then. And, I can assure you that by using these tips you will improve your reading speed too.
P.S. We have experienced all the techniques mentioned in the article.
So let’s start..
But before we start, take a look at this.

General reading speed specification
First of all, what you need to do is check your current reading speed.
You need to set a timer of one minute and check how many words you read in one minute. With that what you will know is your wpm (words-per-minute).
- Sub-vocalizers: generally read at approximately 250 words per minute. These readers sound out each word internally as they read. This is the slowest form of reading.
- Auditory readers: read at approximately 450 words per minute. These readers don’t engage their lips, tongue, or vocal cords when they read. But, they do silently say and hear the words. This is a faster process.
- Visual readers: read at approximately 700 words per minute. These readers vocalize minimally or not at all. They understand the meaning of the word, rather than sounding or hearing it. This is the fastest process.

Average readers only reach around 200 wpm with a comprehension of about 60%. Top readers have near 85% comprehension and read at speeds of above 1000 wpm.

Please Note: Reading speed differs from literature to literature. What type of literature you are reading is important. Generally, wpm in fiction books are more than non-fiction. And, wpm counted for the technical paper is even less wpm counted for the non-fiction reads. Although this varies from person to person.
Now, that you have figured out your current reading speed, let’s look at the techniques below to help you read even faster.
Tip #1 Be Intentional
Whenever you want to change a habit, you need to be intentional. You need to bring that change intentionally.
This is also true when you are trying to increase to read faster. You need to be intentional about reading faster.
Whenever you grab a book, make it an objective to read faster and efficiently.
And then, very soon, you will start seeing positive results.
All you need to do is make it a point that before you start reading, you will be determined to read faster.
Tip #2 Skim through the articles
So, what is skimming? Skimming is nothing but a selective reading method.
It is taking an overview of the paragraph without actually reading word to word. Only the points that are important are noted.
But, the important point to be noted is:
Skimming should be done intentionally. It is not just a lazy reading method, where, you just turn the pages and not pay enough attention to the comprehension.
So make sure that while skimming, you are paying enough attention while skimming and carefully overviewing the context.
Now you might have the question, How to do skimming?

It’s very simple and easy to do.
What you can do is:
- Read the first and the last sentence: Because, mostly, writers follow a general structure, where, the first sentence mentions the topic, the middle is the body which supports the first sentence. And then, in the end, is the conclusion. So what you need to do is read the first and the last sentence. And with that, you indirectly read the topic and conclusion. And, this is how you get the idea of whether you want to read further deep into the paragraph or not.
- Look for keywords: Specific topics have specific keywords. Look for keywords and their synonyms. Also. read the line before and after the keyword or its synonym to get an idea of what the writer is trying to say.
- Also, look for headings, titles, and subheadings, then bold words, italics, charts, graphs, and pictures.
Skimming will help you read faster and use your time efficiently.
Tip #3 You can have a pencil
This technique is called as Pointer Method.
You can use some sort of pointer (finger, pen, or pencil) to move across the text you are reading. It visually guides your eyes. Also, it helps the eyes to move along the length of the text faster.
The person who is credited for popularizing this speed reading technique is Evelyn Wood. She came up with this technique, the pointer method. It is sometimes also called the ‘Hand Pacing’ or ‘Meta Guiding’ technique.
This method is used to decrease distraction and help you focus on specific words.
Exclusive Tip: You can try moving your finger or pencil a bit Faster than your comfortable speed. This will help you increase your reading speed.
Tip #4 Turn off distractions
Create an environment where there are fewer distractions to interrupt and distract you. This will allow you to fully focus on the words in front of you.

At least in the start, when you are still learning to increase your speed, find a quiet place to sit. Then, when you become more practiced, you can read in more distracting areas as well.
My other strategy: When I read, I mostly put my phone on silent. And, whenever possible, I try to keep it out of my reach. It helps me to concentrate.
This trick might help you too. It immensely helped me to increase my reading speed. And I hope it helps you too.
Tip #5 Use peripheral vision
Have you ever noticed that you can see objects without actually looking or turning your head around?
Well, that is nothing but peripheral vision.
Peripheral Vision helps you to sense motion and walk without crashing into things. It’s what you see out of the corner of your eye.
But then you might say, how is peripheral vision useful to read faster?
The answer is very simple.
When you read, your eye might just pick up one word at a time. But with the help of peripheral vision, you can pick up two or more words at a time. And slowly, you can try to pick up the whole line at a time. Thus, ultimately using peripheral vision helps you read faster.
Tip #6 Set a goal

Keep in mind the pages you want to finish in a specific duration. This will be the target goal that you wish to achieve. Also, set the target goal before you start reading.
Suggestion: Don’t keep a big goal. Keep the goal that you can achieve. Because if you keep a goal that you can’t achieve, then you will end up not completing it. And this might demotivate you.
Tip #7 Time Tracking
This is one of the easiest ways to increase your reading speed.
Set the timer, and then start reading.

Be sure to keep the timer timing consistent.
That is, if, on the first day, you decide to read for half an hour, then, on the next day also track your progress for a half-hour only.
The point is, Be Consistent. Don’t track your progress for a half-hour today, and then for one hour tomorrow. Because then, the progress you track will not be efficient. And, it won’t help you analyze efficiently if you have increased your reading speed or not.
Tip #8 Track your progress
Write down the research for every progress you tracked with the timer.
Below we have prepared a simple template to help you track your progress.
Reading Speed Analysis Template:
Date and day: | ||
Time of the day: | ||
Reading Duration: | ||
Pages read: | ||
WPM (Words / min): | ||
Type of literature: (Fiction/ non-fiction/ Technical/ Other) |
You can use this template to track your progress.
You can write your reading analysis in your diary or on notes on your phone.
Tip #9 Read more and Regularly

“Practice makes man Perfect.”
Always when you are trying to achieve something, practice is important. Without it, you can’t achieve the goal. The same is true with your reading speed. Reading regularly and consistently is very important.
The same is true with Reading. If you want to improve your reading speed, you need to practice it regularly and persistently.
To help yourself stay regular, you can do this:
Schedule a dedicated time to read. It can be when you are going to bed or can be your thing to do when you wake up in the morning. You can choose any time you are comfortable with. What you need to do is just set a time that is suitable for you to read. Tip: You can set an alarm with the label “Reading Time” to help you maintain a consistent reading schedule.
All the techniques mentioned in this article will help you reduce your time spent on reading. These techniques will also help you collect information from books more quickly and efficiently.
So now, Let’s take a quick overview of all the tips that we have discussed.
- Be Intentional
- Skim through the articles
- You can use a pencil
- Turn off distractions
- Use peripheral vision
- Set a goal
- Time Tracking
- Track your progress
- Read more and Regularly
These are easy and will surely help you gradually increase your speed.
P.S. Just don’t expect results immediately.
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Happy Reading and Keep Smiling!!